大台北地區台灣大車隊30輛 Taiwan Taxi-30 taxis
作   品:快樂黃包車 Happy Taxicabs
            都市酵母 City Yeast
媒   材:輸出、綜合媒材 Print-out, mixed media
藝術家:水越設計 AGUA Design

台灣大車隊運用衛星定位派遣服務,推出3G (GPS + GPRS + GIS) 乘車服務、24小時全天候衛星行車監控,真正做到「你在坐、天在看」的安全品質,其優質的服務及落實的教育訓練,確保司機禮儀及行車安全,讓消費者可以獲得優質的乘車服務。




Taiwan Taxi uses satellite GPS to dispatch their services, and the company has launched a taxi service called 3G (GPS+GRPS+GIS) to monitor their taxis with a 24- hour satellite surveillance. Their goal is to provide a safety control that is being watched down from up above. The superb service and solid training programs allow them to guarantee their drivers' etiquette and driving safety, and the cab riders are promised with a first-rate taxi service.

City Yeast is a creative team with professionals from all walks of life, and their motto is that we only have one Earth, the protection of this land is everybody's responsibility. The group often comes up with creative ideas to link with the city, and with the yeast-like interaction, everyone is granted the right to take part with enjoyment. Happy Taxicabs is a project in conjunction with the taxi company, and has transformed a familiar mode of transportation into a nostalgic ride. Upon sitting in a Happy Taxicab, you will hear classic old songs, and the blissful message board inside the cab welcomes anyone to leave a message for your friend or be pleasantly surprised to find a message that was left for you. When getting out of the cab, you will receive a blissful receipt from the driver in six different versions of Luck, Peace, Health, Diligence, Perseverance, and Wellbeing. Each receipt will have on it a touching short story to fill your heart with blissful happiness.

Taipei County has 25,000 registered taxicabs, and Taipei City has 33,000; therefore, you will have 5 out of 10,000 chances to ride on a Happy Taxicab!