爆炸毛頭與油炸朱利 Bomb Meta l& Fry Jewelry
忠孝東路四段205巷29弄1號 (No.1, Alley 29, Lane 205, Sec. 4, Zhong-Xiao East Road)
14:00-22:00星期一公休(Closed on Mon) 02-8773 1 843
作   品:單腳旋轉─ 華絢背後的過度用力 One-Foot Spin
材   質:綜合媒材 mixed-media
藝術家:洪佩琦、曹婷婷 Hung Pei-Chi, Tsao Ting-Ting

爆炸毛頭與油炸朱利源自於Bomb Metal & Fry Jewelry的頑皮譯名,英文中metal與jewelry是金工創作的主要基路,翻譯上則以「爆炸」與「油炸」二字的趣味感來搭配在金屬與飾品間的遊戲。店家的兩位女主人亦是該自創品牌的設計師,從獨特技藝與新穎觀念中,將金屬料理出限量有個性的飾品。這一次,她們所呈現的不僅是展示櫃上光鮮亮麗的作品,而是過程的再現。所有被過度使用,幾乎殆盡卻充滿時間與故事感的半廢棄工具,與完成的美麗作品相呼應,將工具靜置狀態的場景置於戶內展示,戶外的紀錄影片投射著不斷的進行過度用力地勞動與身體感知狀態。猶如作品名稱的形容一般,創作者用力地舞動所有工具,就像是不斷旋轉的刀鞋,用力地刻轉著冰地,支撐著每個完美的得分點。

The name Bomb Metal & Fry Jewelry derives from the two fundaments in precious metal design, metal and jewelry, and the playful uses of bomb and fry is to emphasize the game of match between metal and jewelry. The two lady shop owners are the designers behind this self-created brand. With unique skills and innovative concepts, the metallic materials are made into limited bold accessories. For the exhibition, they are not only displaying brilliant pieces, they are also presenting their process of labor. All the excessively used and exhausted semi obsolete tools chronic the time and stories passed, and in contrast with the beautifully finished pieces, the tools lay still in display outdoor, and the documentary being projected outside continues to show the states of extensive labor and the physical conditions of the body. Like the title of the piece, the artists maneuver the tools with great efforts, and similar to the ever turning blades on skating shoes, they chisel away at the icy ground with tremendous strength, and each point that is perfectly scored comes from determination that is well supported meticulously.