忠孝東路四段205巷24號B1 (B1, No.24, Lane 205, Sec. 4, Zhong-Xiao East Road)
14:00-23:00 02-8771 0 751
作   品:《Big Bang》一百個發聲的理由 系列二:開箱作業
            Big Bang–100 reasons to make sound Series 2 : sound.of.suitcase
媒   材:行李箱,擴音器,鋼鐵,紙,木頭,喇叭,馬達,微晶片
            Suitcase, amplifier, steel, paper, wood, horn, motors, microchip
藝術家:王仲 Wang Chung-Kun

KOOLOOK是由飾品造型設計師「LOOK LU」成立,LOOK早期於日本學習專業飾品造型設計,純手工飾品擁有強烈風格且獨特前衛,更代理全球銀飾名牌,讓愛好者永遠走在時尚與流行的最前端。而原先位於同一店家內對音樂文化涉略甚廣的好吃音樂社也於近日結束經營,在此作品更以另一種音感及動態雕塑的呈現方式,表達出於此空間的回憶。

王仲 的作品企圖在機械的發聲中,尋找最原始的以及一種觸覺的聲響感知。作品延續《Big Bang》一百個發聲的理由,巧妙結合該店家現成的展示空間與氛圍,繼續發聲。開箱作業,顧名思義即開啟後會產生一些結果,而相對於平凡外表的箱子內部,隱藏著不為人知的內容物,一看似現成物展出的裝置,在觀眾靠近時緩緩開啟,內部的裝置逐一動作,演奏不知名的隨機旋律,旋律的產生來自八個鐵片,參考Kalimba這古老的非洲樂器。另外還有一些無以名之的器具,如肺般的空氣幫浦,如電扇的氣流裝置等。而樂器本身的概念,不再只是參考的仿造,而是重新建構一個奇幻式的樂器裝置,在開啟同時魔法展現。

KOOLOOK is founded by accessory designer Look Lu, who studied professional accessory design in Japan, the hand-made accessories created by Look have a strong and edgy style. The store also brings in global silver accessory brands for its patrons to always walk in the forefront of fashion. Originally, the space was shared with the music inspired multi-store Oishi!, which has recently closed; hence, this work of music and movement sculpture also expresses a sense of nostalgia towards the space.

In correlation, Wang Chung-Kun's work intends to find the most primal sounds from mechanical noises. The work is a continuation of Big Bang – 100 Reasons to Make Sound, and has cleverly connected with the ready displays of the shop and its ambiance by continuing to make sounds. To open a box would normally lead to another series of events, and in contrast to the ordinary exterior of the box, the interior hides something that is unknown. Upon first glace, it looks like an installation made with found objects, but with a closer inspection by slowly opening it, the internal installations begin to function and a unfamiliar tune is played. The melody is produced by the eight iron plates, which is in reference to the ancient African instrument, Kalimba. Furthermore, there are more unidentifiable tools, such as the lung-like air pump and also a ventilating fan fixture. The fundamental concept of the instrument is no longer just merely copying the existing reference. The artist has gone on to form a whimsical instrumental installation, and upon opening, the magic will be released.