My Hero My Legend誕生於2008年,為四川賑災而發起的活動,當時邀請了34位設計師與品牌設計了34個英雄,進行義賣。充滿力量的線條、厚實的身體,讓人忍不住想待在他的身邊尋求安心與庇護,My Hero My Legend相信每個人心中,都有一位行俠仗義、樂於助人的英雄。每個人都能成為幫助他人的超級英雄,而你想像中的英雄會是什麼樣貌呢?

今年夏天,My Hero My Legend 為粉樂町帶來了五位超級英雄透過活力充滿的能量與台灣黑熊形象,打造本土的獨特英雄。



The work “My Hero My Legend” came into being in 2008 as part of a movement launched to sponsor disaster relief following the earthquake in Sichuan. At that time, 34 designers and brands were invited to design 34 heroes for sale at auction. The powerful lines and sturdy bodies make one almost feel as though being close to them can bring peace and protection. Nearly everybody has the idea of a hero who fights for justice and helps the helpless somewhere in the heart. Can you find the hero in your heart? What does you perfect hero look like?

This summer “My Hero My Legend” brings five heroes to “Very Fun Park” in the guise of five elements: metal, wood, water fire earth. Added to the image of a Taiwanese black bear, infused with vitality and energy and this create a unique local hero.

The heads of these heroes of light is made of a distinctive light. However dark the place you happen to be you can always follow the light to find the exit. The artist starts with the image of the Formosan Black Bear, a hero made up of symbols of trees and flowers and earth, fresh and honest, fresh and unadorned. The water hero is a jellyfish, moving by wind, waves and water current, unassuming, light and transparent. A fire phoenix is the main hero, with its rapid and deft movements and its great power. The earth hero is the closest to this land on which we live and focuses on aborigines, resolute and courageously protecting this place. Our five heroes stand for justice and all that is right, join them in their fight to protect this beautiful land and life we are so fortunate to enjoy.

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