※ 本作品由索卡藝術中心 Soka Art Center提供
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What does the world look like to you? What can you see from your position in the world?

Peng Hung-chih challenges our visual thinking and the way in which we habitually view things. He does this by viewing the world not from the point of view of people but from that of a “dog.” The central focus of his work is a series of dog sculptures in different poses. However, each canine has a hole in its body and as the viewer looks into that hole he or she can see a film of the world as seen through the eyes of a dog. A camera is attached to the head of a dog replicating the world through the eyes of man’s best friend, as it records scenes of how they meet, take food and play. In order to view this, the viewer must press his of her head up against a white glass fiber dog’s head, forcing us to change the posture from which we watch, which in turn makes the viewer part of the work, seeing the world from the perspective of an animal. Through his use of irony and mockery the artist successfully swaps the viewpoint of the audience and the dog and by making the viewer an integral part of the work and reconstructing the relationship between people and dogs, we unconsciously also become part of this absurd scene.


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