Lomography Gallery Store Taipei今年五月正式進駐台北東區,為東區注入了一股新鮮的氣息與活力,由Lomo奧地利總公司來台開設的第一家Lomo專賣店面。店內走到底,會看到一面五米高的lomowall,以16,000張精選相片組合而成,店內各款相機、底片、配件一應俱全,在此消耗整個下午的時間都不為過。



In May of this year Lomography Gallery Store Taipei officially opened in the eastern district, infusing the area with a new freshness and vitality. This was the first specialist store Lomo store the Austrian mother company opened in Taiwan. Visitors to the store can see at the far end a five meter high lomowall made up of 16,000 selected photographs. The store sells all models of cameras, film and accessories, so much so that spending an entire afternoon her just browsing is far from difficult.

How we see things depends on the angle of the camera and from different angles the camera lens sees a different world. Shanti Chang takes us back to childhood and makes us look at this world through the eyes of a child. By taking photographs from an upwards angle Chang tries to make us remember how large adults seemed when we were little. At the same time, lifting ones head at this angle is also a sign of aspiration and hope, looking to a boundless future. Looking at these photos laid out flat from above ones viewing position change once again. In the photographs ones head is tilted back to look upwards, but as we bend over to view the photographs we are also looking at ourselves somewhere in between these expressions of self confident pride and gentle modesty.

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