

1 崔正化 2-1 王艾莉
2-2 王艾莉 3 郭奕臣
4 陳怡潔 5-1 痞子路克
5-2 痞子路克 6 劉國滄
7-1 盧東湜 7-2 盧東湜
8 侯怡亭 9 賴威宇
10 岩崎貴宏 11 長尾惠那
12 董明晉 13 楊馥菁
14 羅麗峯 15 陳佑而
16 周先生與舞者們×
17 蔡潔莘 18 黃法誠
19 何采柔 20 邱雨玟
21 李燕華 22 柏天
23 川貝母、陳狐狸、良根
24 謝怡如×papabubble
25 繭裹子 26 金昌煥
27 伊祐.噶照 28 蕭有志× 王榆鈞
29 金明範 30 尹秀珍
  • 藝術家 伊祐‧噶照
    Iyo Kacaw
  • 作品
    • 木之愁(生命的穿透力)
      The Sorrow of a Tree (The Energy of Life)
    • 水之聚
      The Confluence of Water
  • 媒材 楠木、檜木
    Cypress and Phoebe Wood
    Iron Pump, Cypress and Juniper Wood
  • 展點 台北富邦銀行安和分行
    Taipei Fubon Bank, Anhe Branch
  • 展點地址 台北市仁愛路四段169號 B1
    B1, 169, Renai Rd. Sec.4
  • 開放時間 9:00-15:30 (Mon-Fri)




In recent years, Amis artist Iyo Kacaw has been using driftwood as a main medium, and combines them with man-made objects such as pumps, faucets or pipes to create sculptures that express his concern for the environment. Industrial development and urbanization have caused a major change in the natural world, so Iyo Kacaw combines natural and manmade elements to encourage viewers to ponder mankind’s relationship with nature.
The artist also uses tree roots as a theme: the soft curves spread out in every direction, firmly holding on to the ground. They are the foundation of all life, once again reminding us that humans cannot be separated from their roots in the ground.

Fubon bank’s Anhe branch has long been an important site for the Very Fun Park’s “museum without walls.” Its spacious interior combined with art exhibitions allows people to admire the arts as they go to the bank for errands.