

1 崔正化 2-1 王艾莉
2-2 王艾莉 3 郭奕臣
4 陳怡潔 5-1 痞子路克
5-2 痞子路克 6 劉國滄
7-1 盧東湜 7-2 盧東湜
8 侯怡亭 9 賴威宇
10 岩崎貴宏 11 長尾惠那
12 董明晉 13 楊馥菁
14 羅麗峯 15 陳佑而
16 周先生與舞者們×
17 蔡潔莘 18 黃法誠
19 何采柔 20 邱雨玟
21 李燕華 22 柏天
23 川貝母、陳狐狸、良根
24 謝怡如×papabubble
25 繭裹子 26 金昌煥
27 伊祐.噶照 28 蕭有志× 王榆鈞
29 金明範 30 尹秀珍
  • 藝術家 董明晋
    Ming-Chin TUNG
  • 作品
    • 寫草 / 枯葉 / 花苞
      Grass / Leaves / Bud
  • 媒材 台灣紅檜、鐵
    Red Cypress and Iron
  • 展點 Roots
  • 展點地址 仁愛路四段101號
    101, Sec. 4, Ren-Ai Rd.
  • 開放時間 11:00-21:30 (Mon-Sun)



座落於仁愛圓環的Roots旗艦店除提供廣受喜愛的品牌男女服飾、童裝及皮件外,也同時進駐大獲好評的Roots Café和Roots Home系列傢俱。透過複合式的空間,呈現兼具質感與隨興休閒風格的品牌意象,坐在Roots Café中彷彿在湖畔享受天氣清朗的假日,在庸擾的城市裡享受難得的靜謐。

To Ming-Chin Tung, creativity is a means to letting go of one’s inhibitions and setting a new mood; it is a way of rediscovering the emotions that we so easily lose in the flow of everyday life. This kind of introspection is reflected in Tung’s work, especially in the constant focus between the obvious and the subtle. Whether it is “grass” created with strokes similar to those of Chinese writing; withered leaves fashioned like wings; or a budding flower, the nature-inspired sculptures made by Tung explore the relationship between physical and psychological space. The wood appears to be of a fabric-like quality—the lines create the illusion of tension, as if the wood is stretched over a frame. Like the fine relationship between poetry and prose, this leads viewers to imagine a new space within themselves.

Other than displaying Canadian casual clothing and accessories, the Taipei flagship store of Roots is also home to the critically acclaimed Roots Café and Roots Home furniture series. The store space represents the relaxed, recreational style of the brand, and spending time in the store is almost like relaxingby the lakeside on a clear weathered holiday.