岩崎崇 張子隆
林怡芬 許旆誠
瑪莉娜克魯斯 張永達
朱盈樺 劉文瑄
大江慶之 戴翰泓
袴田京太郎 黃柏勳
似不像 杜珮詩
鍾舜文 賴易志
鄭秀如 楊‧弗門
游文富 海蒂‧渥特
黃彥超 池田朗子
康雅筑 徐薇蕙
劉瀚之 黃華真
宇治野宗輝 鍾順龍
澤拓 李佳祐
游文富 戴翰泓
瑪格妲‧賽耶 澤拓
陶亞倫 徐永旭
徐瑞憲 豪華朗機工
蔡筱淇、吉川公野 劉小康

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Artist Huang Yen-Chiao uses carefree strokes and composite materials to recreate indescribable sensory experiences, forming flowing lines and flamboyant colors. The work is the artist’s attempt to experiment with different bodily experiences.

“Amidst the busy streets of shiny whizzing objects, facing an approaching crowd, I am transfixed into a dot.… A sudden force overwhelms me, tipping me off balance. I look around trying to discern whatever is visible to regain my focus. Someone from out of nowhere has turned on a bubble machine that generates endless messages, and I happen to be on the receiving end; it is as if I have fallen victim to a telecommunication onslaught....”

The work is set in an ordinary space, which is the artist’s intent on abstract bodily experiences. The artist has transformed the room into an imaginary domain bordering on a paranormal plane. As viewers, we are transported into a lab where the power is always switched on and our senses endlessly stimulated by electric signals that evoke the unspeakable yet deja-vu experiences we once had.