

1 崔正化 2-1 王艾莉
2-2 王艾莉 3 郭奕臣
4 陳怡潔 5-1 痞子路克
5-2 痞子路克 6 劉國滄
7-1 盧東湜 7-2 盧東湜
8 侯怡亭 9 賴威宇
10 岩崎貴宏 11 長尾惠那
12 董明晉 13 楊馥菁
14 羅麗峯 15 陳佑而
16 周先生與舞者們×
17 蔡潔莘 18 黃法誠
19 何采柔 20 邱雨玟
21 李燕華 22 柏天
23 川貝母、陳狐狸、良根
24 謝怡如×papabubble
25 繭裹子 26 金昌煥
27 伊祐.噶照 28 蕭有志× 王榆鈞
29 金明範 30 尹秀珍
  • 藝術家 川貝母、陳狐狸、良根
    Inca PAN, Whooli CHEN, and Liang Gen
  • 作品

    • LOVE
  • 媒材 壓克力顏料、複合媒材
    Acrylic and Mixed Media
  • 展點 Tartine Bakery
  • 展點地址 安和路一段49巷13-1號
    13-1, Ln. 49, An-He Rd. Sec. 1
  • 開放時間 12:00 - 20:00(Tue-Thu,Sun)
    12:00 - 21:30(Fri-Sat)
    週一公休 Closed on Mon



三位臺灣當代插畫家各自以愛為題,在Tartine Bakery溫馨的小店中,落地櫥窗擷取自川貝母的作品,透過盎然綠意的草木表達對於周圍環境的友善。推開玻璃門映入眼簾的則是陳狐狸對於自然關懷的另一種描繪,一座小山一株植物,盼望對山林更多的愛護。走進店內,又可見到良根以人與人之間的相處來詮釋愛,包含同學、家人、動物等各種愛的面貌。

Tartine Bakery想給顧客味蕾上單純的美味,除去華麗的裝飾,從法式小點、輕食開始味覺的享受。小店裡櫥窗有著一個又一個的驚喜,進入甜點的世界,忘記生活的雜亂,呼吸著帶有甜味的輕鬆下午。

※ 粉樂町展期內凡於店內消費冷飲,即贈送粉樂町插畫杯墊乙個(每日限量10份)。

What is love?
Love is outperformance; it is responsibility, it is effort, it is regretless, it is youth.
Love is strength, it is courage, it is perseverance, it is insistence, it is all-consuming.
Love is life’s most wonderful subject and the most delightful landscape.

Three Taiwanese contemporary illustrators all focus on the theme of love. Inca Pan’s work, through her depiction of nature, expresses a love for one’s environment. Whooli Chen’s work, the first thing seen as one enters the store, portrays a different, protective affection for the environment. Inside the store, Liang Gen’s work, which shows interpersonal relationships, depicts them between classmates, family, or animals.
Through these three illustrators’ interpretations of both love’s intangible and tangible aspects, hopefully you too, will experience the warmth of this powerful emotion.

Tartine Bakery strives to let its customers have a simple, not ornate, tasting experience. Between French desserts and appetizing snacks, one can find many additional surprises through the display window. Enter a sweet world, forget life’s messy troubles, and breathe in the smell of a calm, relaxed afternoon.

※ During the exhibition, any order of a cold beverage in the bakery comes with a complimentary Very Fun Park coaster (first 10 orders of the day only)