

1 崔正化 2-1 王艾莉
2-2 王艾莉 3 郭奕臣
4 陳怡潔 5-1 痞子路克
5-2 痞子路克 6 劉國滄
7-1 盧東湜 7-2 盧東湜
8 侯怡亭 9 賴威宇
10 岩崎貴宏 11 長尾惠那
12 董明晉 13 楊馥菁
14 羅麗峯 15 陳佑而
16 周先生與舞者們×
17 蔡潔莘 18 黃法誠
19 何采柔 20 邱雨玟
21 李燕華 22 柏天
23 川貝母、陳狐狸、良根
24 謝怡如×papabubble
25 繭裹子 26 金昌煥
27 伊祐.噶照 28 蕭有志× 王榆鈞
29 金明範 30 尹秀珍
  • 藝術家 李燕華
    Yen-Hua LEE
  • 作品
    • 時間的流逝II及繪畫系列
      The Passage of Time II
  • 媒材 影像、鉛筆
    Photo Print and Pencil on the Wall
  • 展點 C25度咖啡館
    C25 Café
  • 展點地址 安和路一段21巷23號
    23, Ln. 21, Sec. 1, Anhe Rd.
  • 開放時間 8:00~24:00 (Mon-Sun)


藝術家李燕華自2006年開始,陸續收集世界年代久遠的舊書籍。這些作品是以美國作家Stephen Vincent Benet在1942年紐約出版的作品為基底,書籍內容涵蓋短篇小說與詩集。




Artist Yen-Hua Lee has been collecting vintage books from around the world since 2006. This work is based on a book by American writer Stephen Vincent Benet, Published in New York in 1942, the book covers short stories and poems.

With her background in Chinese calligraphy and traditional painting, Lee creates artwork that is full of spirit and expresses philosophical ideas through various symbols. Her drawings on the book’s pages create a dialogue that transeconds through time and space with the author of the book.

Lee takes each set of pages and illustrates on them, as if they were the front cover of the book. Furthermore, the pages are arranged from top to bottom and left to right, which is the way Chinese characters are arranged in writing. The viewer can see the relationship between two different cultures in the Chinese arrangement of English text. Different possibilities of communication—between the pages, the writer and the artist, or the outer and the inner—are thus unfolded before us.

C25 Degrees Café has been open for 16 years. With its focus on a heartwarming and vibrant atmosphere; a sincere and attentive service quality; and the use of natural and simple ingredients, the café creates a healthy and relaxed heaven for its customers.