Figure 21手工包房
忠孝東路四段205巷29弄1號之6 (No.1-6, Alley 29, Lane 205, Sec. 4, Zhong-Xiao East Road)
12:00-22:00 02-8771 4 498
作   品:皮球x皮革店 The leather balls X the leather handbag shop
媒   材:皮革 Leather
藝術家:周瑜茵 Chow Y.Y. April

早期田園景象,在今日東區或許早已不復存在;然而在這塊土地上,有越來越多創意渴求、認真活在當下的人們,堅持著自我的生活態度,默默隱身於巷弄間,耕耘心中田土、逐步實現夢想─ Figure 21便是其一。對他們而言,生活質感與心靈沉澱是無可取代的堅持,透過一線一裁縫將不同旅人的故事縫進包包內,讓物品因為超越實用的存在意義而顯得更為獨特卓越。


The early farmlands may not exist in today's East District anymore; however, on this land, there are more and more growing needs for creativity with people that live everyday to the fullest by staying firm behind their own attitude towards life. They dwell in the alleyways and cultivate the piece of land inside their hearts and attempt to reach their dreams step by step. Figure 21 is one of these dreamers. To them, quality in life and spiritual settlement can not be compromised, and stitch by stitch they piece together each traveler’s story into each bag. Each object surpasses its normal functionality and becomes ever more unique and marvelous.

With this kind of perseverance, by working beyond leather’s regular functionality, Hong Kong based artist, Chow Y.Y. April, tries to transform this standard medium, leather, into a continuation of life. Through metamorphosis with shapes, symbolic existence of seeds, sprouts, transformation, and break-though of the existing shapes into beautiful flowers, the progression is like each artistic creation that travels through the existence of life in a beautiful journey.