洪 易 李明道 邱昭財
許家瑜 常 陵 曾偉豪
張耿華、豪 : phunk studio 吳燦政
林柏丞 林建榮 黃蘭雅
王九思 幾 米 黃子欽
Art,Always Open 林柏丞 蘇匯宇
崔廣宇 葉怡利 黃博志
Nezaket Ekici 在地實驗 吳柏樑
Escape 243

作者:林建榮 Artist: Lin Chien-Jung


The slightly radiant, meandering clouds appear almost part of a dream, seeming to provide a sense of freedom in a life filled with complexity and seriousness, the possibility of unlimited possibilities and space. This piece speaks to people’s desire for a natural environment and perfect life. For Lin Chien-Jung, the desire for escape is not always an unwillingness to face reality or a sign of weakness, it can sometimes indicate the change of situation and energy.