展覽作品 ● 導覽手冊下載回地圖

  • 藝術家 | 王郁洋
    Yu-Yang WANG
  • 作品 |
    • 工作
  • 媒材 | 《道德經》第四十章「反者道之動,… 有生於無。」、鐵、紫銅、不鏽鋼
    Tao Te Ching Chapter 40, Iron, Copper and Stainless Steel
  • 展點 松山文創園區—東向製菸工廠
    Songshan Cultural and Creative Park - East Tobacco Factory
  • 展點地址 光復南路133號
    133, Guangfu S. Rd.
  • 開放時間 11:00-19:00 (Mon.-Sun.)



中國藝術家王郁洋將所選取的一段文字轉換成0和1的序列,再將這個排序透過 3D 製作軟體 (3ds Max) 與繪畫軟體 (Painter) 開啟,這個過程裡將會生成與序列相對應的 3D 模型和圖像,產生了您我眼前的雕塑作品(圖像),並且從詞庫中選取詞語為作品命名,作品裡所包含的尺寸、材質、顏色、結構和生成的步驟都是由文字轉換成 0、1 序列所定義的,讓文字變成了圖像。




Chinese artist Yu-Yang Wang takes short excerpts from texts and converts them into a sequence of 0’s and 1’s. He then uses 3ds Max and Painter to create a three-dimensional model. These words determine not only the shape but also the size, material, and color of the sculptures.

This ongoing process of transformation is the artist’s way of exploring art in today’s digital age. Audiences often try to understand a work through the appearance and name of the piece. However, once they learn about the source text, a whole new level of understanding is established as viewers begin to draw connections between the words and the image. This new awareness encourages us to let go of established modes of thinking and to open the door to the infinite possibilities our minds can reach.

Reconstructed from what used to be the Songshan Tobacco Plant, The Songshan Cultural and Creative Park was designated as the 99th District historic site by the Taipei City government in 2001. To regenerate and restore its use, the park was revamped in 2011 to provide a place for diversified cultural and creative exhibitions. The park actively collaborated in a variety of cultural and art events, and organized design, audiovisual and cross industries exhibitions. After integrating various purposes such as education, guidance, exhibition and retail, the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park hopes to concentrate its existing resources and energy, transforming historic buildings into forerunning site for the development of design and cultural industries in Taipei City.