
紫斑蝶於春夏在全台各地繁殖,在郊區、都會區都很容易觀察到,冬天則遷移到台灣南部過冬,如同侯鳥一般,等到溫暖的季節到來,再飛往北方,在蝴蝶遷徙的高峰期,每分鐘約有11,500隻蝴蝶穿越台灣南北的高速公路。紫斑蝶的前翅背面帶有金屬光澤的物理幻色,會因為陽光照射角度的改變,呈現各種夢幻的紫色光彩。美麗而優雅的紫斑蝶在今年夏天遷徙到台北東區,澳洲藝術家Jayne Dyer從南方帶著上千隻翩翩飛舞的紫斑蝶進駐這個已然荒廢的空間。


Abandoned spaces are always a little mysterious piquing the curiosity of passersby. What sort of imaginings will we find in this empty place? What was it like in the past? What possibilities does the future hold?

The amethyst butterfly breeds all over Taiwan in the spring and summer months, and is a common sight in the suburbs or even in the cities. In winter they migrate to southern Taiwan where the climate is warmer, like migratory birds. When the weather grows warmer they fly north again. At the peak of that migratory process around 11,500 butterflies cross the north-south freeway every minute. On the back of the amethyst butterfly’s front wings there is a golden colored pattern, which changes under the sunlight, becoming a variety of dreamlike hues of purple. As the beautiful and graceful amethyst butterfly makes its way north to the eastern district of Taipei City this summer, Australian artist Jayne Dyer has brought with her over a thousand of the butterflies from the south to place in this empty abandoned space.

They stay in the space for the briefest of moments, leaving signs of having been here. An ancient American Indian myth says that if a person speaks there deepest desire to a butterfly and then release it then that wish will come true. Tell the butterflies your deepest wishes and then fly with it to the magical utopia that lives in your heart.

※Jayne Dyer的作品也同步在澳大利亞商工辦事處展出,歡迎前往參觀。
※Jayne Dyer’s work will be simultaneously displayed at the Australian Commerce and Industry Office. Please feel free to drop by and see it.

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