※ 本展品將於展期間進行義賣,義賣所得將全數捐助台灣世界展望會。

Phalanx以英雄精神與超人玩具為出發點,創造充滿力量又造型洗練的藝術公仔Mr. Power,2008年Phalanx集合起各路創意工作者化身藝術英雄,一同為四川大地震發聲,手繪藝術公仔結合公益拍賣,由台灣紅十字會將所得捐出賑災。今年My Hero My Legend 2也將承繼第一代展覽的精神,號召美日港台的設計單位與藝術家,利用藝術作品與生活事件的連結,以本地的特色出發,將藝術家的才華和能量不僅只是停留在蒐藏家的房內獨自欣賞,更進一步積極的變成參與影響社會的正面力量,默默而不經意的,藝術的影響力正無限擴大著!

Taking heroism and a superman toy as its starting point, Phalanx creates “Mr. Power” - an artistic figurine imbued with strength and style. In 2008, Phalanx collected artistic figurines created by individuals in different areas of the creative arts in an effort to raise relief funds following the Sichuan earthquake. The hand painted art figurines were sold at a charity auction, with all money collected donated to the Taiwan Red Cross. This year’s “My Hero My Legend 2” has been organized in the same spirit as the first exhibition, calling on designers and artists from Taiwan, the US, Japan and Hong Kong to use the connection between art and real world events. Starting from uniquely Taiwanese characteristics, the idea was to ensure that the creative talent and energy of artists is not confined to the room of some collector’s home for the appreciation of the few, but rather to use art in a proactive way as a force that not only participates in but changes society. Though quiet and imperceptible the art’s power to influence knows no bounds.


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