Conquering the Donuts and Eating Soldiers in Iwo Jima  

材質 Material:陶瓷、金屬、水泥 Ceramics, Metal, Cement
尺寸 Dimension(H)100 x (L)100 x (W)35cm/ (H)115 x (L)127 x (W)78cm
Hsu Chia-Yu uses ceramics to create this giant ice cream that emits off a seductively refreshing feeling, and makes one just want to get nearer to take a lick. The ice-cream appears so sweet from the first look, but if you get closer, you will find a troop of fully armed soldiers who are ready for combat. The ice cream, which is supposed to be much smaller than the soldiers, has been blown up to almost the size of a man, and the soldiers are shrunken down to be as small as ants. The display ironically portrays how soldiers are as small and insignificant as ants, and because of the desire to conquer, they are charging in and making unnecessary sacrifices. The artist has twisted the scales, and utilizes an visual and placement juxtaposition to stage this humorous black comedy that illustrates the absurdity of human violence and expanded desire.
許家瑜 (台灣)

2007 「吃兵」,台北縣立鶯歌陶瓷博物館,台北
2006 「吃兵」,國立台南藝術大學南畫廊,台南
2005 「吃兵」,嘉義鐵道藝術村,嘉義

2007 「粉樂町Ⅱ當代藝術展」,台北、高雄 「這裡到那邊-藝術的移動經驗」,台北
2006 「啟動西兒特 五感總動員」,台中國美館,台中
2005 「2005 台灣聲視好大」,台北
2004 「高雄一叢花+」,高雄市立美術館,高雄
2003 「陶色交易聯展 曾文之眼展覽廳,台南
1994 「Specere Exhibition 」聯展於The Watch House畫廊,澳洲雪梨市
1993 「Artexpress Exhibition 」聯展於Spectrum Gallery畫廊,美國舊金山
1991 「Artexpress Exhibition 」聯展於新南威爾斯州州立美術館,澳洲雪梨市

2007 台北縣鶯歌陶瓷嘉年華 駐村藝術家
2006 美國科羅拉多州安德森藝術中心 駐村藝術家

Hsu Chia-Yu (Taiwan)

Selected Solo Exhibitions:
2007 The Force Soldier, Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum, Taipei

Selected Group Exhibitions:
2007 「Very Fun Park II 」, eastern districy of Taipei city
「From Here to There – The Moving Experiences in Art Creating」, Council for
Cultural Affairs Taiwan, Taipei Taiwan
2006 「The Theater, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts」, Taichung
2005 「Museum of Contemporary Art in Taipei」MOMA Taipei, Taiwan
「Tachi66-Ceramics Art」, Graduate Institute of Applied Arts, Tainan National College of The Arts
「Art of Kaohsiung 2004 」–Shrub of Flowers Plus, Taipei, Taiwan
2004 「Art of Kaohsiung 2004」–Shrub of Flowers Plus, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
「Tachi66-Ceramics Art」, Graduate Institute of Applied Arts,
Tainan National College of The Arts
「Tachi66-Ceramics Art」, Graduate Institute of Applied Arts,
Tainan National College of The Arts, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Chia-Yi, Taiwan
1994 「Specere Exhibition」, The Watch House, Sydney, Australia
1993 「Artexpress Exhibition」, Spectrum Gallery , S.F, U.S.A.
1991 「Artexpress Exhibition」, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Art Residence
2007 Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Colorado, USA
2006 Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Festival